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Nurturing Independence


    The independent advantage starts in year one, and accelerates all the way through ATEA College. We use the primary years to teach subject knowledge, laying down the disciplined patterns of Maths and written expression early and deep.

    Our students enter secondary education with a good dose of Kiwi resilience so they can handle its tough demands. We show them how to get ahead and they love it.   


‘The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.’*   


*Thomas Sowell, Inside American Education.

Our Staff



2017.3 #46.1.jpeg
Eunice Hall
Carey College male teacher small smiling
Glenn Stewart
Carey College female teacher small smiling
Lisa-Marie Teariki
Helen Lien

Our Latest ERO Report

The ERO (Education Review Office) is the Government agency responsible for ensuring schools comply with the law (measured against specific criteria of "suitability" for registration).  At the same time, ERO Reports (produced every 3-5 years) can give an insight into the character and quality of a school. Here are extracts from our most recent (2019) Report.

Carey College ERO report

The school meets the curriculum criterion for registration. The school’s intent of ‘nurturing in excellence and knowledge' is developed through a curriculum that is aligned and integrated with the Cambridge International Curriculum at all levels of the school.


Fostering students’ understanding of a sense of care for oneself, each other, and the community is central to the curriculum. Parents are well informed about the curriculum and its intentions and goals. They have regular formal and informal opportunities to engage with teachers about their child’s progress and achievement over time. Senior students are supported in identifying and pursuing relevant learning pathways.


The school has suitable standards for tuition across the curriculum. Teachers know their students well and personalise programmes appropriately for their individual learning requirements in multi-level classrooms. Formal structured teaching, complemented by individual attention from teachers, provides students with clarity about learning and behaviour expectations. Relationships between teachers and students are positive and respectful.


Staffing is suitable for the size of the school and the range of age levels of the students. The school employs registered teachers with a commitment to the Christian ethos of the school. Relevant professional development opportunities support teachers to grow their practice, both personally and collectively. The school uses the skills of experienced tutors and accesses external providers to support learning programmes as required.


The school premises and equipment are suitable for delivering the school’s curriculum and catering for the numbers and age range of students. The school is well equipped to support practical classes, particularly in sciences and visual arts. Information and communication technologies are used flexibly throughout students’ personalised programmes. The school’s resources are complemented by access to and use of community facilities.


The school is signatory to the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016 (the Code). The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code. International students are well supported in their academic progress and achievement through a personalised approach. They are well integrated into all aspects of the school community.



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