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Application Form

We welcome applications for enrolment at any time. 

Complete an Application Form and send it to ATEA College with the Registration Fee..

  • If your application matches a vacancy we will interview the parents and child.

  • We will let you know within a week whether or not your application is accepted.

  • All new enrolments are provisional for a term and will be confirmed when we are satisfied the enrolment is appropriate.


Alternatively, complete the online Expression of Interest Form below, ensuring that all parts marked with an * are filled in then click the 'Submit Expression of Interest Form' button at the end'.


If your child has never been enrolled in a New Zealand school before, or if your child is an International Student, we will need to see a Passport or Birth Certificate to complete the enrolment. You should bring it with you to your enrolment interview.

New Zealand Citizens and Residents are entitled to enrol in the New Zealand school system. Others are classified as "International Students", and special conditions apply when enrolling in New Zealand schools. Those special conditions are explained here.

If your child is presently attending school in New Zealand, the Ministry of Education will transfer the appropriate school records on completion of enrolment with us.

We do not transfer information from pre-schools, but the Ministry of Education requires us to collect information on preschool enrolments of new entrants.

The Registration Fee must be paid at the time of submitting the Application Form. This can be done by making an internet banking payment to the College bank account: 03-1355-0888736-00 for the relevant amount.

Expression of Interest Form

Collection & Use of Information:

We collect information according to the principles of the Privacy Act 1993. Our Privacy of Information Code, available on request, provides that: a. we collect information only for the purposes of providing the services we offer; b. store that information safely; c. only release it to other schools or agencies as required by law or when relevant to the welfare or education of the child; d. give you access to (as well as the right to request amendment of) the information we hold from you; e. keep parents fully informed of all matters relating to their child’s school work and conduct. We limit the information given to pupils however. The information we request has been carefully selected because we need it: failure to supply all requested information may result in an application being declined or our services withdrawn.  From time to time we send out information on our services and products. If you do not wish to receive this information please advise us. 

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